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Here's Why LED Lighting is Good for the Environment

Environmental care is one of those responsibilities we should all be accountable for. There are many inventions today that are designed to minimize the emission of toxic waste and one of them is LED lighting. Many people are not aware of the great advantages of LED lighting over traditional lighting, both in terms of costs and conservation of the environment. Here's a look at some of these advantages:


No emission of toxic elements


Many offices and industrial operations still use fluorescent lighting which contains toxic chemicals such as mercury. LED strip light are made of a newer and better technology and do not contain such elements. These noxious elements contribute to environmental degradation wherever they're disposed of. Often, their disposal involves making arrangements with registered waste carriers. This means extra time and money costs, which can be avoided by simply switching to LED strip lights.


Energy efficiency


LED lighting consumes much less energy than conventional bulbs, and this can result in huge savings for homeowners and commercial enterprises. It is said that LED lights can be up to 80% more efficient than conventional lighting. This is because about 95% of the energy consumed is converted into light, while only 5% goes to waste as heat. This is in sharp contrast to fluorescent bulbs, which convert only 5% of the energy, while 95% is wasted as heat. LED fixtures also don't draw in as much power as traditional bulbs; as an example, a 36-watt LED can give as much light as 84-watt fluorescent. Lower energy consumption is good for the environment because energy demands placed on power plants are lowered, in effect reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Read to gain more info about LED.


Few light fixtures are needed


Because led t8 can focus light in one directions and distribute the light better, the user is able to achieve the same levels of brightness as traditional lights with fewer resources. Traditional bulbs simply emit heat and light, much of which is wasted because it cannot be focused in a particular direction. Using fewer lamps/fixtures means lowering energy consumption which in turn benefits the environment.


LEDs last longer


The expected lifespan of LEDs is between 30,000 and 50,000 hours, compared to fluorescents which are not expected to last beyond 10,000 hours. This means replacing LEDs is less frequent, which reduces both product and labor costs in replacements. The longer lifespan of LED strip lights translates to a reduction in resource usage as well as lower carbon emissions.

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